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November 2005
Gallatin County Weed District
Regular Monthly Meeting
November 3, 2005

Board members present were Fred Bell, Chairman, Jeff Littlefield and Linda Vrooman. Craig Morgan, Bob Hofman and John Vincent were excused. Others present were Dennis Hengel (Weed District Coordinator), Fred Tubb (Farm Bureau), Keith Mainwaring, Marcie Murnion (Conservation District), Dennis Cash (MSU) Spanish Peaks Representatives Lauren Waterton and Ross Rooper.

Minutes. The Minutes of the October meeting had been mailed to the Board and were approved.

Claims. There were a number of Claims presented for the Lower Jefferson WMA Grant and also discussion on a Claim for Rocky Mtn RC&D. Hengel had contacted Dave Burch, State Weed Coordinator, regarding using Purdy Grant funds to cost share the rental of an undercarriage truck wash with the Conservation District, RC&D and FW&P. The wash station was set up at the FW&P Game Check station at the mouth of the Gallatin Canyon. Jeff Littlefield moved to approve the Claims as presented, Linda Vrooman seconded and the motion passed.


1.      Weed Summit. The date for the Weed Summit (sponsored by the Gallatin County Commissioners) clashes with the December Weed Board meeting. The Board members present decided to hold the Weed Board meeting on December 8th. Fred Bell asked the Board if they had received invitations. Hengel stated that the initial meeting was to coordinate with other agencies regarding combining funds and programs. Hengel passed out copies of the agenda for the first meeting.


1.      Public Comment/Other. Keith Mainwaring reported that he had spent time at the Truck Wash on the weekend handing out educational weed literature to drivers that stopped. He is supportive of the goals of the Weed Summit, using as an example of overlapping programs, the number of generalized information brochures that are printed each year by different agencies, when one brochure would do. There was discussion regarding the truck undercarriage wash program, noting good points and shortfalls. About 70 vehicles went through the wash station. It was a program that was set up with very little lead-time and there were a few details that would need to be changed for future uses; mainly with signage and advertising. Dave Burch (State Weed Coordinator) had made a suggestion to Hengel that the unused portion of the Purdy Grant Funds be directed to the construction of a similar portable undercarriage wash station for SW Area MWCA use. Fred Tubb announced that the Farm Bureau Annual Convention is scheduled for November 6th-9th in Helena.
2.      MSU 6-Year Plan. Dennis Cash reviewed the revised MSU 6-Year Plan for the Board. Roger Sheley had put the previous Plan together in 1996. There was discussion regarding the requirement of a separate Weed Management Plan for the Campus. Bob Lashaway (Facilities Manager) would be the contact regarding this issue. Linda Vrooman moved to approve the Plan presented by Cash for the Post Research Farm, The Town Farm (within the City Limits) and the Ft. Ellis Farm. Jeff Littlefield seconded and the motion carried. Fred Bell signed the document as Board Chair.
3.      Purdy Grant. The diversion of funds for the construction of a vehicle undercarriage wash station was discussed earlier.
4.      Subdivision Reviews. Hengel has approved five WMP’s and 3 MOU’s since the last weed board meeting.
ü       Mountainside on Sourdough–Major - WMP
ü       Hillside on Sourdough-Major – WMP
ü       Greathorn Ranch K-13-Minor – WMP
ü       Annie Phase IIIB-Major – WMP
ü       Annie Phase IIIC-Minor – WMP
ü       Buffalo Station-Minor – MOU
ü       Dana Lane Estates-Minor – MOU
ü       Madison Creek-Minor – MOU
Not on the Agenda was the Spanish Peaks Development. Representatives of the developing company were present as there is a lot of confusion regarding update requirements. There was a lengthy discussion regarding this development. The original Weed Management Plan was approved in 1999. It is a huge development being constructed in Phases. After much discussion, the confusion regarding the requirements for each phase was clarified and Hengel informed Rooper and Waterton that he would sign off on the WMP's and MOU's presented. Hengel will talk to the Planning Department (Paul Bussi) regarding the set up of a Weed Management Plan to cover the entire project area with a requirement of an MOU for each phase (i.e. each phase is a subdivision).
5.      Meetings/Seminars. Hengel reported that the CIP committee had met and currently the Road Department and Weed Shop projects have been put on hold, as the bids for the construction have come back double the budgeted amount. The project manager (Larry Watson, Grants) is in negotiation to reevaluate the bids. The MWCA SW Area meeting in Butte dealt largely with the revolving weed fair program. FW&P Undercarriage Truck wash was discussed earlier in the meeting. Hengel reported that an Anti Pesticide Group has been formed in Bozeman. James Goehrung of the City of Bozeman directed him to their web site. The group is against any form of spraying within the city limits.
6.      Field Inspections. Hengel conducted two field inspections during the month of October, both as a result of complaints. A homeowner in Meadowbrook Estates had received a letter from the developer stating that the Homeowner's Assn would be taking over and she was concerned that the HOA would be taking on a big weed problem that has been left unattended. Hengel will contact the developer to discuss the situation. A Mr. Timmerman responded to a notification letter that was sent to a number of property owners in the Amsterdam Road area. Hengel conducted a weed ID tour of his property and provided control recommendations.

Miscellaneous Comments: Linda Vrooman brought up the prospect of the Weed District having a booth at BACCII. Comment was that this had been done before and while it was a good outreach, it was very expensive. Vrooman offered to get information regarding costs for non-profit organizations and also the possibility of sharing space with another group.
Hengel had videotaped the operation of the undercarriage truck wash and showed the film to those present. Marcie Murnion from the Conservation District said the vehicle wash program was intended as an educational outreach to get peoples attention and to bring out how important it is to wash their rigs before and after going into the back country.
Linda Vrooman had a question regarding expiration of board members terms. Vrooman and Littlefield's terms expire December 31, 2005. Rosemary will give them applications so they can reapply to the Commission. Mainwaring also noted that Michael Plummer is interested in applying for a position on the Board.

Fred Bell adjourned the meeting at 3.00PM.

Due to the conflict with the Weed Summit, the next Weed Board Meeting will be December 8th.

Respectfully submitted,

Rosemary Perry, Secretary